Saturday, 5/23/2020 at 09:26 A.M.- Station 52 dispatched to assist Station 42 ( Gap )for a dwelling fire in the area of 5494 Lincoln Highway. Engine-Tanker 52 W/6, Engine 521 W/6, Squad 521 W/4 arrived on location at 09:35 A.M. finding heavy fire conditions involving a tractor-trailer car carrier several automobiles and an exterior fire in a 2 story single family dwelling. Tanker 52 established the nurse tanker water supply for the west side of the incident off loading from several other tankers supplying engine 421. Crew members from 52 manned several attack handlines for fire suppression. Engine 521 entered the scene from the east side manning handlines from rescue 42 as rescue operations were being conducted to remove one victim trapped in a vehicle involved in the accident. The incident was placed under control at 10:10 A.M. Christiana units cleared the scene at 11:54 . Fire Police from Station 52 remained on location for traffic control till almost 3:00 P.M. when PennDOT took control of the road closure.