Engine Transfer Leads to Coatesville City Job
June 6, 2012

Just before dinner time Wednesday, company 52 members were alerted for an Engine transfer to Coatesville Veterans Affairs fire company, Coatesville, Pa. Chester County Emergency Services requested the transfer as Coatesville VA Fire (station 76) was out battling what ended up being a 4 alarm row home fire in the 600 block of Coates Street in Coatesville, Pa.

Members gathered and staffed Engine 521 with 5 personnel and headed down Route 30 to Chester County. Upon arrival at 76, notice was given to both Lanco and Chesco counties with advisement being made from Chesco to monitor the radio. With the fire continuing to burn, Chesco was adding additional units to the alarm for manpower. Shortly after grabbing a cup of tea from the 76 house, Engine 521 was requested to respond to the fire scene at 1746hrs.

Crews arrived at the Coates Street fire minutes later and reported to Manpower Staging. Lieutenant Trainor from Cochranville Fire was in charge of this and approached 52 members requesting personnel to go to work. Crews split with a couple members helping to roll hose and clean up while 3 members entered the fire building to extinguish hotspots and help in Overhaul Operations.

Company 52 worked several hours assisting Coatesville City Fire before going available and returning to Lancaster County at 2011hrs.

Thanks to 76 for the hospitality!

Units: Engine 521